I would like to share my story of how I started making soap. Back in 2011, I found out that my son has something called autism. I was clueless on what autism was. The doctors kept throwing meds at me and saying there is nothing you can do, other that give him meds to control his behavior. I did a lot of research and entered into a whole different world. I didn't realize how many chemicals and toxins we are surrounded by. Especially in products we use everyday. Toxins are all around us, in our foods, in the air. In other words everywhere. I see him as a blessing, My family and I did some drastic changes healthwise. Now my son is able to communicate with me to some extent, but all I can say is that he has come a long way. I know its quite a long story and I could go on and on but I wont, LOL . I just want to say thanks in advance!